11th September 2017
WCHT, Clarendon Road. Watford
At the Annual General Meeting of Watford Community Housing this evening, people power took charge.
Mazie Gibson, Chair of the Gateway Membership Team, tabled a motion that the proposed vote for the controversial rule changes relating to the National Housing Federation standard of 2015, be struck out of the Agenda.
Members voted almost unanimously to carry the motion forcing a Special General Meeting to be arranged before which time Watford Community Housing will arrange for all members to be given the chance to be advised on each proposed rule change so that they can fully understand the impact of each change.
Tina Barnard, Chief Executive of WCH, also gave a personal guarantee that every voting form for the SGM would be hand delivered by staff from WCH rather than relying on Royal Mail. This was due to complaints throughout the evening that not every member had received the correct paperwork for the AGM and in some cases, members had not received the paperwork at all.
Meriden Residents Association have been working hard over the last few weeks to advise and inform our members of the potential impact of the rule changes and the importance of their vote at the AGM. 49 proxy forms were received by WCH and 20 of these were collected by the MRA representative over two evenings last week so this is a real victory for the MRA and its members.
Please look out for details of the Special General Meeting, as we will still need our members to vote on the rule changes to ensure a positive outcome for all tenants and leaseholders.
If you’re not a member, or aren’t sure if you’re a member, please email karen.airey@wcht.org.uk to find out because if you’re not a member, you can’t vote and these are your rights that are potentially being put under threat.
MRA – It’s about where we live.