Our 2017 Children’s Christmas Event proved to be very successful indeed and we were pleased that we could put on this free event.
It was very well attended and enjoyed by all including children, parents, grandparents, helpers and even the entertainers said what a great party it was.
We had balloon modelling, face painting, nail varnishing, hair braiding, tombola, guess the number of sweets name the leopard, guess the weight of the sweets, a raffle, lucky dip, Christmas biscuit decorating, crafts etc which all went down a storm and Father Christmas was wonderful. We also provided a variety of complimentary refreshments.
All the children had lots of fun and went home very happy with at least one gift each, a specially modelled balloon plus any crafts that they did.
We are very grateful to the Meriden Community Centre for letting us use their large hall free of charge so that we could put on this very successful community event.
We are thankful for the twenty volunteers that worked hard to make sure the event went well including friends, family, the Hillside Residents Association Committee and the WCH team who supported us beforehand and during the party.
We very much appreciate the Co-op for donating mince pies, John & Sarah from Martins who donated sweets and ASDA who donated all the fairy cakes.
We are now all looking forward to our next event!