The Council have posted notice of their intention to introduce one of these in order to prevent obstructive parking. Some residents have received the document below which gives details of the intended change and also includes a plan to show the exact location.
The formal objection period began on the 11th August and ends on the 31st. All comments and objections need to be with the Council by midnight on the 1st September 2017.
Unfortunately this will be a complete waste of money as we all know that drivers do park on these double yellow lines as they are aware that Traffic Wardens rarely come to the estate. The problem here is that a car parking right opposite the entrance/exit to Munden View causes problems for vehicles such as Fire Tenders, Ambulances, Refuse Trucks and 7.5 tonne delivery vehicles who do not have the required ‘sweep’ to turn in or out, they have to shunt backwards and forwards. On one occasion a Dial-a-Ride minibus had to drive over the corner to turn right into Garsmouth Way and dislodged a kerbstone and the rear offside wheel dropped into the void and was stuck.
Perhaps bollards or some other form of physical deterrent as well as/in place of the lines might be a good idea? Getting the Council to task parking wardens to the local area might also help reduce the number of people who flout the double yellows.