Watford Borough Council has launched a new campaign to show how donations to homelessness charities can change lives.
The campaign aims to raise awareness to the potential problems surrounding homelessness and begging, and shows how your donations can change the lives of people who are homeless in Watford.
They have created two films that talk about why donating directly to local charities rather than people on the street can have a bigger impact. Click here to watch https://www.watford.gov.uk/sparechange

Donations to homelessness charities can help provide vital support to those who are homeless in our town. By helping to provide the basics, such as food, clean clothes and shelter, your donations will make a huge impact.
Crucially, they also help charities provide trained professionals to give those who are homeless tailored support throughout their entire journey.
You can donate to any of Watford’s homelessness charities using the links below
New Hope @ https://www.newhope.org.uk/
GROW @ http://growhostel.org.uk/
Herts Young Homeless @ https://www.hyh.org.uk/
OneYMCA Watford @ https://oneymca.org/